We have decided to include some really useful websites for newbie and seasoned travellers alike. The list is by no means exhaustive. Hence, please visit us again to check out whether we have included more in the following list. If you know of a very useful website that we have not listed please don’t hesitate to contact us to let us know so we can review for potential inclusion.
Truck Friendly
We have recently come across this website due to a Facebook post (which we have included in our Blog section). This website is fantastic as it gives newbie and seasoned travellers alike tips and strategies to be truck friendly so we can all stay safe whilst travelling Aussie roads.

All Around Oz
This website is a mind full of information about all things camping. We have also included a link in Apps Can Make A Difference to an article written by the owners of this website about the 75 best apps to travel around Aussie land. The website also has an online store that you might find useful for items you may want to pick up for your travels.

The Grey Nomads
Are you older however young at heart? Then this is the website for you! This website is decked out with a broad range of information for older and younger Aussies alike wanting to or are travelling Aussie land. They also have a newsletter you can subscribe to. So feast yourself on lots of info from planning your trip to listening to podcasts to maintaining your health whilst you are travelling.

Overland Exposure
Wow is all we can say. This website has so much info that you can spend many a happy hour checking it out. Not to mention the owners have linked their YouTube channel to the website so you can gain more information. One article we found very useful was their video on How to Get Internet whilst travelling Aussie land.

Getabout Training Services
Want to learn how to tow a caravan, drive on sand dunes, go off road with your 4WD, then the guys and gals at Getabout Training Services are a very good port of call for your next Aussie adventure. They are a registered training organisation so you not only know you’re in good hands, but also they are highly qualified to deliver the training course you want to do.

What’s Up Down Under
This is a very useful website to know about and includes so much information that we simply cannot list all here. Included is a Directory listing of various accommodation, cafes and restaurants, service & repair providers and so much more. You can spend hours on this website simply checking out all that it has to offer.

Don’t own a caravan, campervan or motorhome however want to travel Aussie land? Then Campify have got you covered. Campify bring owners and would be travellers together by owners renting out their caravan, campervan or motorhome to earn extra income rather than their asset sitting parked in a driveway or storage area. So check out this unique Aussie website which has a global footprint.

Trader RVs
This is a very useful website with heaps of user friendly information from understanding the weights terminonoloy to how to change the sound system in your rig and to so much more. The link provided is directly to an article (now a few years old so please double check the information for the most up to date information available) on Caravan Towing regulations across Australia. Happy surfing this website!