Desley and Sue are experienced podcasters. In the main they are the hosts for the podcast: Reality Bytes which is also shown on a range of podcasting platforms via Anchor podcasting platform, including spotify and also on the Reality Bytes Facebook page. Basically these podcasts are hosted with guests from various walks of life, including some politicians, as well as organisations. A sample podcast is:
Why are we showing this video to you? For 3 reasons. Many older Australians travel Australia. Also to give you an idea on how we conduct our interviews (some are longer than others); And,
We would love to interview individuals and people who are experienced in travelling Aussie land or have travelled Aussie land to learn heaps of tips and strategies that made the journeys wonderful. What the pitfalls were and how these were addressed. As well as businesses who believe they have a real beaut way or product or service which will benefit people either newbies or seasoned travellers alike for our website and YouTube channel. (Please note: if we interview you this does not mean we are endorseing your product or service or the information you provide. We are simply giving the information for people to seek out their own expert advice to make their own determinations.)
So if you want to be a guest on our podcasts and lives please contact us and we will organise a time to talk to you initially on the information you would like to provide as well as set up a date/time to undertake an video conference interview.
So avoid by shy. This is your time to shine and let people know how your travels went or are going and hopefully what a blast you had or are having.
If you would like to be interviewed, please complete the form below: