Helpful YouTube Channels


YouTube as a resource is definitely not to be sneezed at. It is amazing just how much information you can gain from various Aussie and International YouTube Channels to support and assist your travels. From virtually anything DIY for your set up prior to leaving on your travels to tips and tricks whilst travelling our great country or overseas to spectacular travel journey video blogs. So head on over and select yourself a feast of information, oohs and aahhs and everything in between!

The channels listed here are by no means exhaustive. You can spend a whole day + just using the search button and checking out the various channels and videos contained within. We do suggest if you come across a channel you really like, you save some of the videos to your YouTube account to be able to review again; as well as subscribe to the person’s channel so you don’t miss their upcoming videos.

Click on the images below to access the various channels.

Some Aussie Channels:

Some International Channels