There a range of Facebook Groups which is very useful for newbie and seasoned travellers alike. Many of these groups a person can ask a question and the brains trust of the group members is fantastic. We access these groups ourselves to not only learn heaps but where relevant and appropriate try to help and support other group members, within our limited knowledge range.
The groups listed are by no means exhaustive and if you know of a group you would like to see included in this resource, then please don’t hesitate to contact us on our website to let us know. We will review the group and where relevant add to this page. Please come back as this page is a work in progress. Not listed in any specific order.
Everything Caravan & Camping

If you want to gain heaps and trips and strategies about caravan and camping then we highly recommend this group to you.
Everything Travelling Australia

Again another highly useful and informative Facebook group, especially for Australians as well as overseas travellers.
Motorhomes Australia

If you’re into driving a motorhome (or RV as sometimes called) around Aussie land then this is a really good group for you to join. Members have a broad range of knowledge and anyone can ask a question of the group member’s brains trust.
Planning a Lap Around Austrlaia – Hints & Tips

Are you in the planning stages for your epic trip around Aussie land? Then this is a very good group for you to join and access a wealth of useful information.
KMart Caravan Storage Hacks

Wow the brains trust in this group is phenomal. There is such a wealth of knowledge in the group on simple and cost effective storage solutions, whether you’re travelling with a caravana, in a campervan or motorhome.
Australia Travel Planning

Another you beaut and fabulous resource for newbie and seasoned travellers alike to support and assist in the planning stages of travelling around Oz.
Centrelink Hints & Tips – Australia Only

Now this might be the unusual kid on travelling Australia. However the admins and moderators are very knowledgeable about all things to do with Centrelink. So if you are a pensioner wanting to travel Oz or receive any type of Centrelink payment, then we highly recommend you accessing the wealth of knowledge this group has.